Faithful Obedience

Church on Mission Pt. 2

Jordan ScottMay 1, 2022

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Passage: Acts 27:1-44

In Acts 27, the Apostle Paul is on a journey to Rome to make an appeal before Caesar. It's a maritime journey fraught with danger. Threatened by storm and shipwreck, Paul's unfaltering faith and hope in God shines through to those needing hope in this life or death crisis. When God moves, Paul responds with faithful obedience. He will make it to Rome in order to bear witness to the Gospel. God is in control. The gospel is unstoppable. And this same God who is in control of Paul's life, is the same God in control of our lives. When we choose to follow Jesus, we are following a God that is all-powerful and in control. When God moves, we respond with faithful obedience. Despite the storms we face in life, we can place our faith and trust in God that he is with us fulfilling his plans and promises.

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Sermons in Church on Mission Pt. 2

The Way

January 23, 2022
Jordan Scott