The Sovereign King Who Leads

This Is Who I Am: The Book of Exodus

Paul ParkSeptember 4, 2022

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Passage: Exodus 40:34-38

After all the drama, tension, and demonstration of God's power, faithfulness, and grace, where does the book end? The story ends with an account of moving forward. Despite everything that happened (including Ex.32), God continues to lead Israel to move forward. But why should we follow him? There are other things or people we could follow; why follow God? Because God is our Creator and King: He has every right to demand that we follow him. Moreover, God is a king who lays down his right to love and serve us. We should WANT to follow a king like this. God is a king who knows us by name. God knows who you are. You are known. He knows your sufferings, pains, fears, trauma that you've endured, in what areas you're prone to sin, etc. And he loves you! It's not like he doesn't know; he knows you intimately (perfectly) and he loves you. He knows where you feel stuck and where you've failed, and through it all he loves you and desires to come after you with his grace and love. He comes down to where you are; not in a condescending way but in a love descending way and identifies with you. This is our sovereign King who leads us, and it is our joy and privilege to follow him. 

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Sermons in This Is Who I Am: The Book of Exodus