Practicing Generosity

Growing Deeper Together

Paul ParkOctober 2, 2022

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Passage: Exodus 1:11, Acts 2:42-47

Practicing generosity was understood by the early church as being an essential expression of their faith in Jesus Christ. This is true for us as well. We believe that practicing generosity is an essential expression of our faith in our Lord Jesus. It is a necessary part of Growing Deeper Together—we cannot grow in Christ without practicing generosity. However, our culture often lacks healthy venues in which we can talk about how we earn, spend, and save money. These are private matters, and we keep them in the dark. I believe this is why so many people don't grow in generosity; because we don't talk about it and we don't allow others to hold us accountable. Let’s change that SDBC. Let’s not be afraid of this topic and ask God to help us grow in this area!

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