Is Pickleball for You?

12Dec, 2023

Eight years ago this month, eight members of our church family were introduced to the fastest growing sport in North America: pickleball. At the time, we knew nothing about this sport with the weird name. We heard that it had elements of badminton, ping pong, and tennis and was played on a court roughly half the size of a tennis court. When a member of our church, Don Tuck, gave us that first introductory lesson, we had so much fun it wasn't long before we were hooked. Pickleball is not only good exercise, but it is a very social game. We try to play with a different partner each game so it is a great way to meet and get to know others.

Our numbers grew very quickly and it became very clear to us early on that God had given us a wonderful opportunity to serve our community by offering people a chance to play at SDBC. We have been privileged to develop so many wonderful connections to those in South Delta and beyond. Sharing our facility with our community brought opportunities to live out our faith and share our faith as well. Today, our SDBC Pickleball Ministry has about 100-130 players come through our gym doors each week and 400 who are signed up to receive our monthly e-newsletter. Presently, we need more players who have a faith in Christ willing to join us to develop those connections with others in the community.

We would like to invite adults in our church family to join us for one or two evenings in January to learn how to play pickleball. We have set aside Friday, January 5th and 12th from 7-8:30PM for these lessons and playing sessions for our church family. We will have a number of coaches cover all the basics and have you playing games within an hour. If you already know how to play, or would like a refresher, we invite you to join us as well. All you need to do is wear comfortable clothing and running shoes. We will provide all the equipment that you will need.

Registration is required so we can prepare for those who wish to attend. Click here if you are interested in joining us. To learn more about our Pickleball Ministry, please visit our website which contains all the information about this growing ministry.

Church FamilySDBC Pickleball

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