The Gospel according to John

I Am the Bread of Life

Jordan ScottMay 5, 2024

Passage: John 6:16-59

John 6:16-59 follows right after the feeding of the 5000 and fits within a larger theme John is emphasizing that echoes themes found in Exodus. The crowds continue seeking after Jesus, but just like the Israelites in Exodus, they will need to discover and learn who Jesus truly is, what he's about, and what it means to follow him. And this discovery isn't just for the crowds but for all people and all nations. The challenge Jesus presents about himself in John 6 is that he has the authority and power of God; he is the Bread of Life, the great I AM, and we are called to believe and follow him. What is your response to this challenge? And how will you live in light of this challenge?

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