Passage: John 19:1-16
As we continue to explore the Passion narrative in the Gospel According to John, we can't help but see the sinfulness of humanity portrayed in the account of the disciples, the Jewish leaders, and the Roman officials. In the complete depiction of unfaithfulness and rebellion against God, we are to see ourselves in the group that has rejected King Jesus' reign, but we are, at the same time, invited to accept the righteous reign of a King like no other--King Jesus who stoops down to wash the feet of his disciples, protects his followers as the Good Shepherd, and casts out darkness as the Light of the world. We have the opportunity to surrender our lives to his perfect reign and enjoy the abundance of life that John talks about in his gospel account. Will you accept Jesus' reign in your life through the obeying of his word, participation in his church, and full surrender to his will?