Q&A with Kyle McDonald

18Oct, 2017

Is BC feeling more like home for you and Britni?  
When Britni and I got married in July 2016, there was a lot of uncertainty of where we would settle. I had a full-time job, but was pursuing ministry opportunities. We had a mindset that we could be moving anywhere, at any time. When this opportunity at SDBC came up, we felt God calling us to Tsawwassen and we made the big move. It was a big decision to move away from our families and the area we had known our whole lives but, in these past eight months, we have been able to settle in and call Tsawwassen our home. 

What was the biggest surprise since moving out to BC?
Everyone is very active here. Maybe it has something to do with the climate or the fact that we are surrounded by mountains that just makes everyone want to get outside, but the culture of fitness is unlike anything I saw in Ontario. A few months into living here, I was inspired to buy a bike for the first time in 10 years. I actually use it too! There is nothing quite like being in Stanley Park and seeing just how many people are cycling, jogging, and walking around.

What was the biggest challenge you've faced since doing ministry here?
I think the biggest challenge has been discerning what youth and young adults need out of the ministries we have for them. It took many hours of thinking, planning, and praying to know what these ministries should look like, coming into this fall. One of the main reasons we started our new young adult ministry, Reach, was because we saw a need to step out of our comfort zones and do something that would challenge young adults in their walk with God and create a space to invite others in. For youth and preteen ministries, we started a series on the story of the bible and how it all points to Jesus. One of the greatest needs for youth is to know what they believe, why they believe it, and how the bible is relevant to their lives. 

What are you looking forward to in Youth and Young Adult ministry?
For youth ministry, I'm looking forward to seeing the youth engage with the bible. With the way we have formatted our teaching times now, we are not only speaking to our youth but we are having them actually open up the bible, read it, and discuss things with each other and their leaders. Our preteen ministry has seen many kids come out that don't know the bible story. Through group messages and small groups, we are able to teach the story of the bible and know what these stories mean for them today. For our new young adult ministry, Reach, I'm excited to see new people connecting with our young adults. I'm looking forward to seeing what God has planned for this group beyond just the Tuesday night programs. 
Do you have any prayer requests?
Pray for the leaders in youth and young adults ministries. These ministries can be hard, tiring, and discouraging at times for volunteers, but, it is also incredibly rewarding when we see God at work through them. 

Pray for youth and young adults in South Delta to know Christ, as this is what motivates these ministries. 

Pray for the Reach mentorship program. This is an exciting new program that connects young adults with someone in the church who is able to pray with them, share biblical truths with them, and help them through this time of life. We would love to see every youth and young adult in our church being mentored by another member of our church.

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