Director of Facility Maintenance Search Update

04Apr, 2024

Over the past 16 months, three people have been on a search team looking for a new Director of Facility Maintenance. During this search, we have been blessed by having David Wesley Kyle join our staff team. DW has done an excellent job as Interim Facility Coordinator, managing our facility alongside our two custodians, Jeremy Berry and Bernie Caballero.

We have had a solid facility team in place during our search, but like any search, our goal has been to find the right person for our director role. We are thrilled to announce that we have hired a new Director of Facility Maintenance: Vladlen Poliezhaiev. Vladlen, Anastasiia, and their son, Aaron, are originally from Ukraine and have lived in Tsawwassen since November 2022. They have also been a part of our church since coming to Tsawwassen. You may recognize Vladlen. He is part of our worship team and is a phenomenal drummer.

Vladlen will join our staff full time as our new Director of Facility Maintenance on April 16th, but you will most likely see the Poliezhaievs on Sunday mornings. Please say hi and welcome Vladlen as he steps into this critical role. Also, please pray for Vladlen and his family over the coming weeks as he joins our staff and begins working at SDBC.

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