AGM 2019 Update

11Apr, 2019

Thank you for joining us for the AGM Tuesday night! We felt encouraged, supported, and unified for the mission as we engaged in the meeting. We recognize that time is valuable for all of us, so we appreciate your willingness to invest your time with us for this important meeting.

As a part of our meeting on Tuesday, we elected five elders to our board of elders; three of which are serving their second consecutive term (Rob Bogress, David Dobson, and Gerard van Dop), and two of which are newly elected (Trevor Bakken and David van Til). Now that these individuals are elected to serve as elders, please commit them to the Lord via prayer. Our governance model places significant responsibility upon these elders, so it's very important that they are equipped with wisdom and discernment to serve the church by leading it faithfully in obedience to God's direction.

We also announced the new position that Pastor Jordan Scott has assumed recently. The official title is "Executive Pastor."  Pastor Jordan will be overseeing much of the day-to-day operations of the church activities, and will be given significant authority within staff to use his giftings for God's work at SDBC.

Our direction as a church was also discussed. In the past six months, we have really focused in on being a church on mission by creating a community that loves like Jesus. With God's help and by His direction, we plan to continue this movement to be a missional church that honours Christ. Some of you have requested for me to share the questions that I mentioned in last Sunday's sermon about holding one another accountable to the mission. Here they are:

1. With whom did you share the gospel this month?
2. How did you intentionally pursue relationship with people who are far from God? What stories did you hear?
3. What made you not pursue a relationship with those who are far from God this month? What made you not share the gospel this month? What prevented you?
4. How can we remove those obstacles next month?

As mentioned in the sermon, this is what our staff is committing to--to hold one another accountable to the gospel mandate. Please join us in this missional movement for God's glory!

Posted by Paul Park

Paul joined South Delta Baptist Church in 2013 and has fallen in love with the church since then. He transitioned into the lead pastor role in late 2017, and has been blessed to serve Jesus and the community of South Delta alongside SDBC. He has a strong passion for preaching God’s word and living a missional life empowered by the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Outside of ministry, Paul enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife Sarah, and their children Nathan and Christianne.

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