60th Anniversary Final Update

09Jan, 2020

Our 60th anniversary celebration was a fantastic reminder of God's faithfulness and his lavish grace, which we have received throughout the sixty years of our history. To celebrate this important milestone, we set out to raise funds for three projects that would see us invest in the next generation of our community: 1. Improvements to our Youth and Children's facilities; 2. Starfish Pack; 3. SDBC Tutoring.

The designated fund for the 60th Anniversary Projects was open until the end of 2019, and we aimed to raise $60,000 for these three projects. We have tallied up all the funds that came in throughout the year, and we're thankful to announce that we have raised $76,977 for the 60th Anniversary Projects. Thank you for participating in our celebration and giving toward these needs in our community. We also want to recognize local businesses that partnered with us to invest in the next generation together. We look forward to seeing the impact of these funds on families' and students' lives. We pray that God will multiply the impact of these funds so that it would bear amazing fruit for his glory and for the benefit of many people.

Posted by Paul Park

Paul joined South Delta Baptist Church in 2013 and has fallen in love with the church since then. He transitioned into the lead pastor role in late 2017, and has been blessed to serve Jesus and the community of South Delta alongside SDBC. He has a strong passion for preaching God’s word and living a missional life empowered by the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Outside of ministry, Paul enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife Sarah, and their children Nathan and Christianne.

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