The Gospel according to John

The God of Abundance

Paul ParkApril 28, 2024

Passage: John 6:1-15

Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand shows us that we serve a God of abundance; not a God of scarcity. By faith, we are called to recognize that God will provide for our needs and that we could learn the art of being content; to place our trust in him as we navigate through life. When we believe in the lies that tell us that we live in a world governed by a God of scarcity, we hog resources, become protective and insecure about the things we own, and engage in a “food fight” that hurts relationships. However, when we buy into the idea that we have a God of abundance, we’re able to unlock generosity, patience, and even giving kindly to those who are deemed to be unworthy. Jesus points his followers to the God of abundance and calls us to live by faith that unleashes radical generosity.

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