Missionary Update: Jack and Carolyn Teeter

22Oct, 2020

This week we get to hear from Jack and Carolyn Teeter about their life and ministry in this season of COVID-19.

What is your current location and missions work?
Our current location is Blaine (Birch Bay), Washington. We serve with NAIM (North America Indigenous Ministries) in member and pastoral care, and also do pastoral care ministry with two First Nations organizations. I (Jack) also sit on the board of InterAct Ministries and do some member care with them.

How is God working in and through you during this unique and challenging season?
It seems like the Church is well situated to deal with the uncertainties and anxieties of this pandemic. We have the answers the world is searching for during this time. Both Carolyn and I are involved in marriage and family counselling and encouragement ministry, and are ministering to ailing NAIM staff in Washington state.

How have you been impacted by COVID-19?
While we have not been impacted by COVID-19 physically, it has certainly impacted our ability to visit staff and First Nations friends in Canada face-to-face. Connecting through Zoom and by telephone has been a blessing for contacts, workshops, etc., but it doesn't take the place of face-to-face visits.

How can we pray for you?
Please pray that we would maximize the positive benefits of the COVID-19 restrictions for both ministry outreach and personal growth. This is the time for the Church to shine to a world in need. Pray also for Carolyn's grand-nephew, Journey, who is living with us, and his schooling during this challenging time. Pray that he would make wise choices and concentrate on his grade 11 school year.

Please remember Jack and Carolyn in your prayers this week. You can email them encouragement by clicking here.


Posted by Mary Grierson

Mary has been on our church staff since 2016, serving in the roles of Interim Worship Director, Associate Director of Worship, and now, Director of Community Life. Mary works on organizing church-wide events, integrating new members into our church family, working with community groups, and managing the Starfish Pack and SDBC Tutoring programs along with other community outreach initiatives. She is passionate about loving Jesus, loving people, and loving our community.

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